If you are looking for demographic data of Desoto County or Arcadia, Florida we have compiled a lot of demographic data for each in this blog post by Preferred Real Estate Arcadia.
Desoto County Demographics
Desoto County, Florida demographic data based on 2019 estimates.
- Population: 36,903
- 2010 Census: 34,862
- 636.7 square miles
- 58 people per square mile
- Largest racial/ethnic groups: White 54%, Hispanic 31%, Black 12%
- Median age: 40.9
- 0-19 years: 23%
- 20-59 years: 50%
- 60-80+ years: 27%
- Male: 56%
- Female: 44%
- Per capita income: $18,503
- Median household income: $35,438
- Number of people employed in Desoto County: 13,309
- People below poverty level: 26.8%
- Number of households: 12,072
- Number of housing units: 15,189
- Occupied housing units: 79%
- Owner-occupied units: 70%
- People per household: 2.8
- The median value of owner-occupied housing units: $87,700
- Married couples: 58%
- Married people: 46%
- Women who gave birth last year (between ages 15-50): 4.1%
- High school graduate or higher: 73.6%
- Bachelor’s degree or higher: 11.5%
- Foreign-born population: 15.3%
- Population with veteran status: 7.4%
Arcadia Demographics
Arcadia demographic data based on the 2010 census.
Population: 7,636
Population (2019 estimate): 8,314
4.43 square miles
1,635.6 people per square mile
Largest racial/ethnic groups: White 42.11%, Hispanic 20.05%, Black 0.38%
Median age: 32
0-19 years: 29.2%
20-59 years: 57.5%
60-80+ years: 14.3%
Male: 51%
Female: 49%
Per capita income: $11,893
Average income: $25,025
Male median income: $22,518
Female median income: $18,666
Median household income: $29,593
People below poverty level: 25.9%
Families below poverty: 20.2%
Number of households: 2955
Number of families: 1659
Number of housing units: 2604
Owner-occupied units: 55.7%
People per household: 2.86
The median value of owner-occupied housing units: $105,900
Married couples: 40.9%